Smith, R.; Gercsi, Z.; Zhang, R.; Siewierska, K.E.; Rode, K.; Coey, J.M.D.: Effects of disorder on the magnetic properties of the Heusler alloy V2FeAl. Acta Materialia 267 (2024), p. 119733/1-9
Open Access Version

Magnetic properties of multicomponent alloys depend sensitively on the degree of atomic order on the different crystallographic sites. Here we report the contrast between the magnetic properties of bulk and thin-film samples of the Heusler alloy V2FeAl. Arc -melted bulk ingots show no site preference of the elements (A2 structure), whereas magnetron -sputtered thin-film samples display a degree of atomic ordering with a tendency towards XA-type order. Electronic structure calculations favour ferrimagnetic XA-type order, and the effect of different pairwise atomic disorder on the element specific and net magnetic moments are evaluated to reproduce experimental observations. XA-type thin -films with iron moment of 1.24 mu B determined by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism are in agreement with calculation, but the measured net moment of 1.0 mu B per formula unit and average vanadium moment are smaller than expected from calculations. The measured Curie temperature is approximately 500 K. Films with a higher degree of disorder have a lower TC, close to 300 K, with a net moment of only 0.1 mu B at low temperature. The large calculated vanadium moments are destroyed by partial disorder on 4d vanadium sites. By contrast, the arc -melted and annealed bulk alloy with a fullydisordered A2 structure shows no spontaneous magnetization at any temperature; it is a Pauli paramagnet with dimensionless susceptibility xv = 2.95 x 10-4.