Kammlander, B.; Svanstrom, S.; Kühn, D.; Johansson, F.O.L.; Sinha, S.; Rensmo, H.; Fernandez, A.G.; Cappel, U.B.: Thermal degradation of lead halide perovskite surfaces. Chemical Communications 58 (2022), p. 13523-13526
Open Access Version

Commercial use of lead halide perovskites requires improved ther- mal stability and therefore a better understanding of their degrada- tion mechanisms. The thermal degradation of three clean perovskite single crystal surfaces (MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, FAPbBr3) was investigated using synchrotron-based photoelectron spectroscopy. Central find- ings are that the halide has a large impact on thermal stability and that the degradation of formamidnium results in the formation of a new organic species at the FAPbBr3 crystal surface.