Alberdi-Esuain, B.; Hwang, J.-G.; Kamps, T.; Neumann, A.; Völker, J.: Prospects of Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Experiments at Sealab. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. WEPOTK060/1-4
Open Access Version
Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED) is a pump-probe experimental technique that aims to image the structural changes that happen in a target structure due to photo-excitation. Development of MeV UED capabilities is one of the main objectives at Sealab, a superconducting RF accelerator facility being commissioned in Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. In order to perform UED experiments, the optimization of temporal resolution is of the utmost importance. The composition of the SRF Photoinjector, currently the main beam-line in Sealab, offers superb flexibility to manipulate the longitudinal phase-space of the electron bunch. At the same time, the CW operation of the accelerator provides an enhanced beam stability compared to warm guns, together with MHz repetition rates. This work aims to show the capacity of the SRF Photoinjector in Sealab to reach the required temporal resolution and explain the development and current status of the necessary tools to perform UED experiments at the facility.