Bossi, A.; Waluk, J.; Yivlialin, R.; Penconi, M.; Campione, M.; Bussetti, G.: Porphycene Protonation: A Fast and Reversible Reaction Enabling Optical Transduction for Acid Sensing. ChemPhotoChem 4 (2020), p. 5264-5270
Nano-sensor materials, especially if they target biological purposes, require fine control and tuning of the properties at the molecular scale when intramolecular properties have to be exploited, for example, in optical sensors. By means of optical spectroscopies (namely, spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, and surface differential reflectivity), we demonstrate that thin films of porphycene show a spectacular chromatic change when exposed to acid vapors (specifically to hydrochloric acid). After exposure, the original optical properties of the porphycene films are recovered within a few seconds and without any thermal annealing. In addition, since clear spectroscopic signatures are observed both in absorption and in reflectivity, the parent porphycene is shown to be suitable even for deposition of films onto opaque substrates. These findings are of significant interest in view of potential engineering of the molecules and implementation in devices.