Rutger Schlatmann in den Vorstand von ETIP PV wiedergewählt

In 21. october 2024, an ETIP PV Steering Committee meeting took place online and in Brussels to elect the new chairs for the term 2024 – 2026.

In 21. october 2024, an ETIP PV Steering Committee meeting took place online and in Brussels to elect the new chairs for the term 2024 – 2026. © ETIP PV

Der ETIP PV-Lenkungsausschuss hat einen neuen Vorsitzenden sowie zwei stellvertretende Vorsitzende für die Amtszeit 2024–2026 gewählt. Rutger Schlatmann, Bereichssprecher Solare Energie am HZB und Professor an der HTW Berlin, wurde als ETIP PV-Vorsitzender wiedergewählt.

He is supported by David Moser, the Head of the Research Group Photovoltaic Energy Systems at the Institute for Renewable Energy (Eurac Research), as well as Nora Adam, R&D Ecological Engineer at BayWa r.e.Solar Projects GmbH, elected as the Vice-Chairpersons of the ETIP PV Steering Committee.

Rutger Schlatmann, re-elected as ETIP PV Chair, expressed his optimism for the Platform: “I am honoured by the continued trust that the ETIP PV Steering Committee has expressed by my re-election. First and foremost, on the ETIP PV agenda for the coming years will be the planned Co-Programmed European Partnership (CEP) for Photovoltaics. This presents an excellent opportunity for our sector and for PV in general, with its still vast and untapped innovation potential. A second crucial ETIP PV task is to support the PV sector and the European Commission, in reshoring a significant part of the PV value chain to Europe, especially on the ´upstream´ side. Now more than ever, we need a vigorously growing, resilient European PV market, served by a strong European PV industry”.

On ETIP PV: The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) mobilizes all stakeholders sharing a long-term European vision for PV, helping to ensure that Europe maintains and improves its industrial position, in order to achieve a leadership position within the global PV market.

European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) have been created by the European Commission in the framework of the new Integrated Roadmap Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) by bringing together EU countries, industry, and researchers in key areas. They promote the market uptake of key energy technologies by pooling funding, skills, and research facilities.




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