Urban Innovation Forum 2023

Urban Innovation Forum UIF 2023 brings together a diverse group of urban innovators, thought leaders, entrepreneurs and advocates to explore how breakthroughs in urban tech can accelerate the sustainable transformation of urban spaces. 

Join the Session on 30 March 2023


How do we decarbonize the energy system of the building stock, infrastructure, and cities? How do we create Business showcases in a decentralized and sustainable energy generation. How do we reach the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings?


// Samira Aden, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin // Karolina Attspodina, WeDoSolar // Fabian Reetz, Everyone Energy //Gerrit Peters, Below2 // Moderation: Totinia Hörner

The UIF 2023 is a partner event of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) from the Federal Goverment.

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