17. Dezember: Berufungsvortrag für die W3-Professur Solar Fuels
Am 17. Dezember wird Dr. Frank Osterloh einen Vortrag an der TU Berlin halten, der im Rahmen des gemeinsamen Berufungsverfahren der TU Berlin und des HZB auf eine W3-Professur "Solar Fuels" stattfinden wird. Der Vortrag beginnt um 9 Uhr c.t. Ort: TU Berlin, Raum MA 415, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin
Hier finden Sie den Titel und Abstract
Dr. Frank E. Osterloh
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis, California, USA,
Making Fuel with Sunlight – Opportunities with Nanomaterials and Beyond
The photochemical water splitting reaction is of interest for the conversion of solar energy into hydrogen fuel. Many inorganic materials catalyze this reaction but suffer from low efficiency and instability. We aim to overcome these problems with a new class of catalysts that are obtained by linkage of metal oxide and metal nanocrystals. Upon ultraviolet or visible irradiation these nanostructures are active for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water, with the activity depending on the nature of the components. Electrochemistry, time-resolved optical and vibrational spectroscopy are used to probe charge generation and transport in these structures and to learn about the molecular mechanism of water splitting. Alternative approaches to solar hydrogen generation will also be discussed.
Frank Osterloh was educated at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität in Oldenburg, Germany and graduated with B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry. After postdoctoral work (1997-2000) at Harvard University under the supervision of Prof. Richard H. Holm, he joined the faculty in Chemistry at the University of California at Davis as an Assistant Professor in 2000 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2006.
Ansprechpartner/Person of contact: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Eberhardt