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Nakayama, M.; Kondo, T.; Tian, Z.; Ishikawa, J.J.; Halim, M.; Bareille, C.; Malaeb, W.; Kuroda, K.; Tomita, T.; Ideta, S.; Tanaka, K.; Matsunami, M.; Kimura, S.; Inami, N.; Ono, K.; Kumigashira, H.; Balents, L.; Nakatsuji, S.; Shin, S.: Slater to Mott Crossover in the Metal to Insulator Transition of Nd2Ir2O7. , Physical Review Letters 117 (2016), p. 056403/1-6
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Charnukha, A.; Post, K.W.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Proepper, D.; Wurmehl, S.; Roslova, M.; Morozov, I.; Buechner, B.; Yaresko, A.N.; Boris, A.V.; Borisenko, S.V.; Basov, D.N.: Weak-coupling superconductivity in a strongly correlated iron pnictide. , Scientific Reports 6 (2016), p. 18620/1-7
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Xu, N.; Matt, C.E.; Richard, P.; van Roekeghem, A.; Biermann, S.; Shi, X.; Wu, S.-F.; Liu, H.W.; Chen, D.; Qian, T.; Plumb, N.C.; Radovic, M.; Wang, H.; Mao, Q.; Du, J.; Fang, M.; Mesot, J.; Ding, H.; Shi, M.: Camelback-shaped band reconciles heavy-electron behavior with weak electronic Coulomb correlations in superconducting TlNi2Se2. , Physical Review B 92 (2015), p. 081116(R)/1-5
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Steckel, F.; Roslova, M.; Beck, R.; Morozov, I.; Aswartham, S.; Evtushinsky, D.; Blum, C.G.F.; Abdel-Hafiez, M.; Bombor, D.; Maletz, J.; Borisenko, S.; Shevelkov, A.V.; Wolter, A.U. B.; Hess, C.; Wurmehl, S.; Buechner, B.: Crystal growth and electronic phase diagram of 4d-doped Na1-δ Fe1-xRhxAs in comparison to 3d-doped Na1-δ Fe1-xCoxAs. , Physical Review B 91 (2015), p. 184516/1-9
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Charnukha, A.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Matt, C.E.; Xu, N.; Shi, M.; Buechner, B.; Zhigadlo, N.D.; Batlogg, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: High-temperature superconductivity from fine-tuning of Fermi-surface singularities in iron oxypnictides. , Scientific Reports 5 (2015), p. 18273/1-6
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Charnukha, A.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Buechner, B.; Zhigadlo, N.D.; Batlogg, B.; Yaresko, A.N.; Borisenko, S.V.: Interaction-induced singular Fermi surface in a high-temperature oxypnictide superconductor. , Scientific Reports 5 (2015), p. 10392/1-8
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Ziemak, S.; Kirshenbaum, K.; Saha, S.R.; Hu, R.; Reid, J.-Ph.; Gordon, R.; Taillefer, L.; Evtushinsky, D.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Buechner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.; Ignatov, A.; Kolchmeyer, D.; Blumberg, G.; Paglione, J.: Isotropic multi-gap superconductivity in BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 from thermal transport and spectroscopic measurements. , Superconductor Science & Technology 28 (2015), p. 014004
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Fink, J.; Charnukha, A.; Rienks, E.D.L.; Liu, Z.H.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Avigo, I.; Roth, F.; Jeevan, H.S.; Gegenwart, P.; Roslova, M.; Morozov, I.; Wurmehl, S.; Bovensiepen, U.; Borisenko, S.; Vojta, M.; Buechner, B.: Non-Fermi-liquid scattering rates and anomalous band dispersion in ferropnictides. , Physical Review B 92 (2015), p. 201106/1-6
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Liu, Z.H.; Zhao, Y.G.; Li, Y.; Jia, L.L.; Cai, Y.P.; Zhou, S.; Xia, T.L.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.; Wang, C.S.: Orbital characters and electronic correlations in KCo2Se2. , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (2015), p. 295501/1-7
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Bareille, C.; Boariu, F.L.; Schwab, H.; Lejay, P.; Reinert, F.; Santander-Syro, A.F.: Momentum-resolved hidden-order gap reveals symmetry breaking and origin of entropy loss in URu-2Si2. , Nature Communications 5 (2014), p. 4326/1-11
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Zhang, P.; Richard, P.; Qian, T.; Shi, X.; Ma, J.; Zeng, L.-K.; Wang, X.-P.; Rienks, E.; Zhang, C.-L.; Dai, P.; You, Y.-Z.; Weng, Z.-Y.; Wu, X.-X.; Hu, J.P.; Ding, H.: Observation of Momentum-Confined In-Gap Impurity State in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2: Evidence for Antiphase s± Pairing. , Physical Review X 4 (2014), p. 031001/1-8
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Shi, Y.-B.; Huang, Y.-B.; Wang, X.-P.; Shi, X.; Roekeghem, A-V.; Zhang, W.-L.; Xu, N.; Richard, P.; Qian, T.; Rienks, E.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Zhao, K.; Jin, C.-Q.; Shi, M.; Ding, H.: Observation of Strong-Coupling Pairing with Weakened Fermi-Surface Nesting at Optimal Hole Doping in Ca0.33Na0.67Fe2As2. , Chinese Physics Letters 31 (2014), p. 067403/1-4
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Evtushinsky, D.; Zabolotnyy, V.; Kim, T.; Kordyuk, A.; Yaresko, A.; Maletz, J.; Aswartham, S.; Wurmehl, S.; Boris, A.; Sun, D.; Lin, C.; Shen, B.; Wen, H.; Varykhalov, A.; Follath, R.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.: Strong electron pairing at the iron 3dxz,yz orbitals in hole-doped BaFe2As2 superconductors revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. , Physical Review B 89 (2014), p. 064514/1-12
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Boariu, Florin Loredan: The "Hidden-Order" Phase Transition of URu2Si2 : Investigated by Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy. , Universität Würzburg, 2014

Maletz, J.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Wolter, A.U.B.; Harnagea, L.; Yaresko, A.N.; Vasiliev, A.N.; Chareev, D.A.; Böhmer, A.E.; Hardy, F.; Wolf, T.; Meingast, C.; Rienks, E.D.L.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Unusual band renormalization in the simplest iron-based superconductor FeSe1-x. , Physical Review B 89 (2014), p. 220506/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.220506


Xu, N.; Richard, P.; Wang, X.-P.; Shi, X.; van Roekeghem, A.; Qian, T.; Ieki, E.; Nakayama, K.; Sato, T.; Rienks, E.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Xing, J.; Wen, H.-H.; Shi, M.; Takahashi, T.; Ding, H.: Angle- resolved photoemission observation of isotropic superconducting gaps in isovalent Ru-substituted Ba(Fe0.75Ru0.25)2As2. , Physical Review B 87 (2013), p. 094513/1-5
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Ge, Q.Q.; Ye, Z.R.; Xu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Jiang, J.; Xie, B.P.; Song, Y.; Zhang, C.L.; Dai, P.; Feng, D.L.: Anisotropic but Nodeless Superconducting Gap in the Presence of Spin-Density Wave in Iron-Pnictide Superconductor NaFe1-xCoxAs. , Physical Review X 3 (2013), p. 011020/1-7
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Bareille, Cédric: Effets d’une brisure de symétrie sur les structures électroniques d’URu2Si2 et de KTaO3. , Université Paris-Sud, 2013

Evtushinsky, D.V.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Harnagea, L.; Yaresko, A.N.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Maletz, J.; Aswartham, S.; Wurmehl, S.; Rienks, E.; Follath, R.; Buechner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Electronic band structure and momentum dependence of the superconducting gap in Ca1-xNaxFe2As2 from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. , Physical Review B 87 (2013), p. 094501/1-5
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Santander-Syro, Andrés Felipe: Electronic structure of exotic states in correlated-fermion materials. , Université Paris-Sud, 2013

Allan, M.P.; Tamai, A.; Rozbicki, E.; Fischer, M.H.; Voss, J.; King, P.D.C.; Meevasana, W.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Rienks, E.; Fink, J.; Tennant, D.A.; Perry, R.S.; Mercure, J.F.; Wang, M.A.; Lee, J.; Fennie, C.J.; Kim, E.-A.; Lawler, M.J.; Shen, K.M.; Mackenzie, A.P.; Shen, Z.-X.; Baumberger, F.: Formation of heavy d-electron quasiparticles in Sr3Ru2O7. , New Journal of Physics 15 (2013), p. 063029/1-10
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Chatterjee, S.; Trinckauf, J.; Hänke, T.; Shai, D.E.; Harter, J.W.; Williams, T.J.; Luke, G.M.; Shen, K.M.; Geck, J.: Formation of the Coherent Heavy Fermion Liquid at the Hidden Order Transition in URu2Si2. , Physical Review Letters 110 (2013), p. 186401/1-5
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Boariu, F.L.; Bareille, C.; Schwab, H.; Nuber, A.; Lejay, P.; Durakiewicz, T.; Reinert, F.; Santander-Syro, A.F.: Momentum-Resolved Evolution of the Kondo Lattice into "Hidden Order" in URu2Si2. , Physical Review Letters 110 (2013), p. 156404/1-5
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Jiang, J.; Li, S.; Zhang, T.; Sun, Z.; Chen, F.; Ye, Z.R.; Xu, M.; Ge, Q.Q.; Tan, S.Y.; Niu, X.H.; Xia, M.; Xie, B.P.; Li, Y.F.; Chen, X.H.; Wen, H.H.; Feng, D.L: Observation of possible topological in-gap surface states in the Kondo insulator SmB6 by photoemission. , Nature Communications 4 (2013), p. 3010/1-8
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Maletz, J.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Yaresko, A.N.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Shermadini, Z.; Luetkens, H.; Sedlak, K.; Khasanov, R.; Amato, A.; Krzton-Maziopa, A.; Conder, K.; Pomjakushina, E.; Klauss, H.H.; Rienks, E.D.L.; Buchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Photoemission and muon spin relaxation spectroscopy of the iron-based Rb{0.77}Fe{1.61}Se2 superconductor: Crucial role of the cigar-shaped Fermi surface. , Physical Review B 88 (2013), p. 134501/1-7
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Xu, N.; Richard, P.; Shi, X.; van Roekeghem, A.; Qian, T.; Razzoli, E.; Rienks, E.; Chen, G.F.; Ieki, E.; Nakayama, K.; Sato, T.; Takahashi, T.; Shi, M; Ding, H.: Possible nodal superconducting gap and Lifshitz transition in heavily hole-doped Ba0.1K0.9Fe2As2. , Physical Review B 88 (2013), p. 220508/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.220508

Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Kim, T.K.; Carleschi, E.; Doyle, B.P.; Fittipaldi, R.; Cuoco, M.; Vecchione, A.; Borisenko, S.V.: Renormalized band structure of Sr2RuO4: A quasiparticle tight-binding approach. , Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 191 (2013), p. 48-53
doi: 10.1016/j.elspec.2013.10.003

Rasche, B.; Isaeva, A.; Ruck, M.; Borisenko, S.; Zabolotnyy, V.; Buechner, B.; Koepernik, K.; Ortix, C.; Richter, M.; van den Brink, J.: Stacked topological insulator built from bismuth-based graphene sheet analogues. , Nature Materials 12 (2013), p. 422-425
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Yoshida, R.; Tsubota, K.; Ishiga, T.; Sunagawa, M.; Sonoyama, J.; Aoki, D.; Flouquet, J.; Wakita, T.; Muraoka, Y.; Yokoya, T.: Translational Symmetry Breaking and Gapping of Heavy-Quasiparticle Pocket in URu2Si2. , Scientific Reports 3 (2013), p. 2750/1-6
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Thirupathaiah, S.; Stuerzer, T.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Johrendt, D.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Why Tc of (CaFeAs)10Pt3.58As8 is twice as high as (CaFe0.95Pt0.05As)10Pt3As8. , Physical Review B 88 (2013), p. 140505/1-5
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Kordyuk, A.A.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Kim, T.K.; Buechner, B.; Plyushchay, I.V.; Berger, H.; Borisenko, S.V.: Anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point and other peculiarities in the self-energy of the surface-state quasiparticles in Bi2Se3. , Physical Review B 85 (2012), p. 075414/1-9
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.075414

Kim, T.K.; Yaresko, A.N.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Sung, N.H.; Cho, B.K.; Samuely, T.; Szabo, P.; Rodrigo, J.G.; Park, J.T.; Inosov, D.S.; Samuely, P.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Conventional superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2. , Physical Review B 85 (2012), p. 01452071-7
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Trinckauf, J.; Haenke, T.; Zabolotnyy, V.; Ritschel, T.; Apostu, M.O.; Suryanarayanan, R.; Revcolevschi, A.; Koepernik, K.; Kim, T.K.; Zimmermann, M. von; Borisenko, S.V.; Knupfer, M.; Büchner, B.; Geck, J.: Electronic Confinement and Ordering Instabilities in Colossal Magnetoresistive Bilayer Manganites. , Physical Review Letters 108 (2012), p. 016403/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.016403

Aswartham, S.; Abdel-Hafiez, M.; Bombor, D.; Kumar, M.; Wolter, A.U.B.; Hess, C.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Kim, T.K.; Borisenko, S.V.; Behr, G.; Büchner, B.; Wurmehl, S.: Hole doping in BaFe2As2: The case of Ba1-xNaxFe2As2 single crystals. , Physical Review B 85 (2012), p. 224520/1-7
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Holder, M.G.; Jesche, A.; Lombardo, P.; Hayn, R.; Vyalikh, D.V.; Kummer, K.; Danzenbächer, S.; Krellner, C.; Geibel, C.; Rienks, E.D.L.; Molodtsov, S.L.; Laubschat, C.: How chemical pressure affects the fundamental properties of rare-earth pnictides: An ARPES view. , Physical Review B 86 (2012), p. 020506/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.020506

Knolle, J.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Eremin, I.; Borisenko, S.V.; Qureshi, N.; Braden, M.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Kim, T.K.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Sykora, S.; Hess, Ch.; Morozov, I.V.; Wurmehl, S.; Moessner, R.; Büchner, B.: Incommensurate magnetic fluctuations and Fermi surface topology in LiFeAs. , Physical Review B 86 (2012), p. 17451971-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.174519

Wang, X.-P.; Richard, P.; Shi, X.; Roekeghem, A.; Huang, Y.-B.; Razzoli, E.; Qian, T.; Rienks, E.; Thirupathaiah, S.; Wang, H.-D.; Dong, C.-H.; Fang, M.-H.; Shi, M.; Ding, H.: Observation of an isotropic superconducting gap at the Brillouin zone centre of Tl0.63K0.37Fe1.78Se2. , EPL 99 (2012), p. 67001/1-5
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Wang, X.-P.; Richard, P.; Huang, Y.-B.; Miao, H.; Cevey, L.; Xu, N.; Sun, Y.-J.; Qian, T.; Xu, Y.-M.; Shi, M.; Hu, J.-P.; Dai, X.; Ding, H.: Orbital characters determined from Fermi surface intensity patterns using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. , Physical Review B 85 (2012), p. 214518/1-15
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Mohamed, Mahmoud: Physical Properties of Iron-based Superconductors Probed by Low-Temperature Specific-Heat Measurements. , Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Diss., 2012

Evtushinsky, Daniil: Physical properties of layered superconductors from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). , Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Diss., 2012

Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Carleschi, E.; Kim, T.K.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Trinckauf, J.; Geck, J.; Evtushinsky, D.; Doyle, B.P.; Fittipaldi, R.; Cuoco, M.; Vecchione, A.; Buechner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Surface and bulk electronic structure of the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4: unusual splitting of the β band. , New Journal of Physics 14 (2012), p. 063039/1-13
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/6/063039

Thirupathaiah, S.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Maletz, J.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Kim, T.K.; Wurmehl, S.; Roslova, M.; Morozov, I.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Weak-coupling superconductivity in electron-doped NaFe0.95Co0.05As revealed by ARPES. , Physical Review B 86 (2012), p. 214508/1-5
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Kordyuk, A.A.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Kim, T.K.; Morozov, I.V.; Kulic, M.L.; Follath, R.; Behr, G.; Büchner, B.; Borisenko, S.V.: Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of superconducting LiFeAs: Evidence for strong electron-phonon coupling. , Physical Review B 83 (2011), p. 134513/1-6
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Massee, F.; de Jong, S.; Huang, Y.; Siu, W. K.; Santoso, I.; Mans, A.; Boothroyd, A. T.; Prabhakaran, D.; Follath, R.; Varykhalov, A.; Patthey, L.; Shi, M.; Goedkoop, J. B.; Golden, M. S.: Bilayer manganites reveal polarons in the midst of a metallic breakdown. , Nature Physics 7 (2011), p. 978-982
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Thirupathaiah, S.; Rienks, E.D.L.; Jeevan, H.S.; Ovsyannikov, R.; Slooten, E.; Kaas, J.; van Heumen, E.; de Jong, S.; Dürr, H.A.; Siemensmeyer, K.; Follath, R.; Gegenwart, P.; Golden, M.S.; Fink, J.: Dissimilarities between the electronic structure of chemically doped and chemically pressurized iron pnictides from an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study. , Physical Review B 84 (2011), p. 014531/1-7
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Setti, Thirupathaiah: Electronic structure studies of ferro-pnictide superconductors and their parent compounds using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). , Berlin, Technische Universität, Diss., 2011

King, P.D.C.; Hatch, R.C.; Bianchi, M.; Ovsyannikov, R.; Lupulescu, C.; Landolt, G.; Slomski, B.; Dil, J.H.; Guan, D.; Mi, J.L.; Rienks, E.D.L.; Fink, J.; Lindblad, A.; Svensson, S.; Bao, S.; Balakrishnan, G.; Iversen, B.B.; Osterwalder, J.; Eberhardt, W.; Baumberger, F.; Hofmann, Ph.: Large Tunable Rashba Spin Splitting of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Bi2Se3. , Physical Review Letters 107 (2011), p. 096802/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.096802

Kordyuk, A.A.; Kim, T.K.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Bauch, M.; Hess, C.; Buechner, B.; Berger, H.; Borisenko, S.V.: Photoemission-induced gating of topological insulators. , Physical Review B 83 (2011), p. 081303/1-4
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Evtushinsky, D.V.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Inosov, D.S.; Kim, T.K.; Büchner, B.; Luo, H.; Wang, Z.; Wen, H.-H.; Sun, G.; Lin, C.; Borisenko, S.V.: Propeller-Like Low Temperature Fermi Surface of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 from Magnetotransport and Photoemission Measurements. , Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011), p. 023710/1-4
doi: 10.1143/JPSJ.80.023710

Stockert, U.; Abdel-Hafiez, M.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Wolter, A.U.B.; Wurmehl, S.; Morozov, I.; Klingeler, R.; Borisenko, S.V.; Buechner, B.: Specific heat and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the superconducting gaps in LiFeAs. , Physical Review B 83 (2011), p. 224512/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.224512

Aswartham, S.; Behr, G.; Harnagea, L.; Bombor, D.; Bachmann, A.; Morozov, I.V.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Kim, T.K.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Borisenko, S.V.; Wolter, A.U.B.; Hess, C.; Wurmehl, S.; Büchner, B.: Suppressed superconductivity in charge-doped Li(Fe1-xCox)As single crystals. , Physical Review B 84 (2011), p. 054534/1-5
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Borisenko, S.V.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Evtushinsky, D.V.; Kim, T.K.; Buechner, B.; Yaresko, A.N.; Borisenko, V.D.; Berger, H.: Van Hove singularity as a possible origin of the bandwidth renormalization in layered superconductors. , Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72 (2011), p. 562-564
doi: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2010.10.063


Evtushinsky, D.V.; Inosov, D.S.; Urbanik, G.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Schuster, R.; Sass, P.; Hänke, T.; Hess, C.; Büchner, B.; Follath, R.; Reutler, P.; Revcolevschi, A.; Kordyuk, A.A.; Borisenko, S.V.: Bridging charge-orbital ordering and Fermi surface instabilities in half-doped single-layered manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. , Physical Review Letters 105 (2010), p. 147201/1-4
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.147201

Holder, M.G.; Jesche, A.; Lombardo, P.; Hayn, R.; Vyalikh, D.V.; Danzenbächer, S.; Kummer, K.; Krellner, C.; Geibel, C.; Kucherenko, Yu.; Kim, T.K.; Follath, R.; Molodtsov, S.L.; Laubschat, C.: CeFePO: f-d Hybridization and Quenching of Superconductivity. , Physical Review Letters 104 (2010), p. 096402/1-4
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.096402

Vyalikh, D.V.; Danzenbächer, S.; Kucherenko, Y.; Kummer, K.; Krellner, C.; Geibel, C.; Holder, M.G.; Kim, T.K.; Laubschat, C.; Shi, M.; Patthey, L.; Follath, R.; Molodtsov, S.L.: k Dependence of the Crystal-Field Splittings of 4f States in Rare-Earth Systems. , Physical Review Letters 105 (2010), p. 237601/1-4
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.237601

Koitzsch, A.; Inosov, D.S.; Shiozawa, H.; Zabolotnyy, V.B.; Borisenko, S.V.; Varykhalov, A.; Hess, C.; Knupfer, M.; Ammerahl, U.; Revcolevschi, A.; Büchner, B.: Observation of the Fermi surface, the band structure, and their diffraction replicas of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. , Physical Review B 81 (2010), p. 113110/1-4
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