Organic evaporator/ e-beam systems
The PREP chamber connected to the UHV backbone is equipped with various tools: a four-pocket e-beam evaporator (SPECS EBE-4), an ion source optimized for sample cleaning (SPECS IQE 11/35, pAr, max = 1x10-4 mbar), residual gas analyzer (SRS, RGA200). The deposition rate can be controlled with a quartz crystal microbalance. In addition, samples can be exposed to different partial pressure of gas up to 5x10-5 mbar, e.g., to oxidize or reduce the sample surface. The sample annealing temperature is strongly dependent on the used sample holder. The system provides a variety of different sample holders enabling: i) the analysis of large sizes samples (up to 6-inch wafers) or many samples simultaneously (up to 20 1x1 cm samples); ii) sample annealing or cooling up to 1400 °C or down to -170 °C, respectively. The 5-axis manipulator in the chamber isof the same type as used in SISSY I endstation and the ANA off-synchrotron analysis chambers. For surface oxidation/reduction experiments samples can be exposure to 1×10-6 mbar of oxygen/hydrogen while varying the sample temperature in parallel.