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An atomic layer deposition (ALD) Tool

An atomic layer deposition (ALD) system (TFS 200-313, Beneq Oy, Finland) with high flexibility regarding chemical composition and processing conditions of thin film catalysts, is also to be linked to the cluster tool. ALD enables tight thickness control down to below 1 nm which is crucial to study interface effects on chemical reactions in multilayer catalyst systems. The tool can perform both thermal and plasma enhanced ALD to allow deposition from a wide range of precursors. Thanks to various gas handling lines, metallic, oxide, oxynitride films can be grown in multilayers. The system can handle substrates up to 200 mm (8 inch) diameter and heating of the substrate up to 450°C, is possible. A quartz micro-balance system as well as a spectroscopic ellipsometer allow in-situ control/monitoring of film growth. The system can currently be used to grow a variety of metals such as Co, Al (latter Ni, Pt) as well as dielectrics such as Al2O3, SiO2, Si3N4, SiOxNy.