SISSY-1 Technical Information
The SISSY I endstation is mounted in the first SR-interaction point in the SISSY-lab. The full energy range (80 eV to 10.000 eV) of the light source is accessible.
Sample Holder
The sample holders are of the Prevac PTS-series. Sample sizes as indicated in the table are supported. Depending on the sample size several cooling and heating provisions are possible.
The red marked carriers can also go into the deposition tools. Green marked holders are only used in the UHV-part of the system.
The sample manipulator for the SISSY-1 Analysis Chamber
- is fully compatible with all sample sizes and their transfer into and out of the sample transfer system.
- is capable of x, y, z, Θ, φ sample manipulation. All axes ( x, y, z, Θ, φ) are motorized.
- provides the ability to make electrical contact to the front of the sample for sample grounding during photoelectron spectroscopies.
- allows for electrical connections for sample heating (e.g. using resistive heating, electron beam heating, or ceramic heaters) for the 11 x 11 mm2, 25 x 25 mm2 and 50 x 50 mm2 sample sizes.
- provides the possibility for sample annealing to 1725 K (sustained) and (short‐time flashing) when using e.g. a metal sample and e‐beam heater sample holder.
High-temperature heating in front of the analyzer is not allowed!
- The maximum sample temperature using heating ≥ 1200 K.
- The manipulator provides the ability to cool the 11 x 11 mm2, 25 x 25 mm2 and 50 x 50 mm2 samples to < 90 K with liquid nitrogen. The 11 x 11 mm2 samples are able to be cooled from room temperature to <90 K in less than 10 minutes.
- The sample manipulator provides the ability to monitor the sample temperature with e.g. a thermocouple for all sample sizes.
The analyzer is a Scienta EW4000, an extreme wide angle lens spectrometer featuring 60 degrees acceptance angle in both transmission and angular mode. This highly flexible state-of-the-art analysis tool is optimized for quick high-resolution PES measurements using a 200 mm mean radius hemispherical electron analyzer designed for high throughput. The unit can be operated in the fixed mode where a spectrum can be recorded within seconds by taking a snapshot of the detector image, covering 8% of the pass energy. It is equipped with nine interchangeable slits for optimal balance between best intensity and best energy resolution.
The high voltage electronics provides ultra-stable conditions for reliable accurate measurements.Electron detection is featured by a modern 2-D low noise digital CCD-MCP detector system with a noise level of < 0.01 cps/channel. Furthermore, the analyzer is equipped with real-time read-out and electronic analyzer lens X/Y deflectors for diagnostics and experimental optimization purposes.
- Energy resolution:
- Ek ≤ 100 eV: < 5 meV
- Ek ≤ 500 eV: < 10 meV
- Ek ≤ 2,000 eV: < 20 meV
- Ek ≤ 10,500 eV: < 50 meV
- Pass energies: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100, 200, and 500 eV
- Transmission mode lens acceptance: ±30 degrees
- Angular mode: ±30 degrees, ±22 degrees
- Transmission kinetic energy range: 0 eV – 10,500 eV
- Angular mode kinetic energy range: 10 eV – 10,500 eV
- Spatial mode kinetic energy range: 50 eV – 1,500 eV
- Working distance: 40 mm (34 mm with aperture)
- Slit width: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.5, 2.5 and 5.0
- Slit length: 30 mm
- 40 mm diameter MCP detector system
- Detector system linearity: > 5 x 106 cps
- HV system rise time from 0 to 10,000 eV: < 15 s
The Light element - XFlash® Detector 5030 is an LN2-free high-resolution SDD Detector
- energy resolution < 125 eV @ MnKa)
- 30 mm2 active area
- Slew window for C, N and O detection
- Vibration-free, maintenance-free, Peltier cooled
- finger length 350mm
- linear transfer unit with a manual slide assembly