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UE48 soft X-ray branch

The soft X-ray branches of the EMIL beamline provide highly brilliant light between 80 eV and 2000 eV (extended up 2500 eV in special cases) and are based on a standard optics layout for a soft X-ray beamline optimized for spectroscopy similarly to other beamlines at BESSY II. The optics scheme is based on the proven scheme of the SX700 plane grating monochromator (PGM) operating in collimated light.

The central component of the soft-X-ray branch is the PGM Monochromator  equipped with two blazed reflexion gratings. Steering and focusing of the photon beam are performed with a variety of pre- and post- monochromator mirrors, so that 4 experimental stations (SISSY I, OAESE, CAT, MYSTIIC) can be served with soft X-rays.


Layout of the EMIL soft X-ray branches.