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SISSY I Endstation

The SISSY I endstation provides a broad variety of surface and interfaces analytic methods. These methods combined with the broad energy range of the exciting photons makes depth information from the surface down into the bulk (5000 nm) accessible.

  • HAXPES (Hard X-ray Photo Electron Spectroscopy)
  • XAS (X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy)
  • XES (soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy)
  • XRF(X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy)

The station is connected to the UHV-transfer backbone. Samples prepared in the various deposition instruments are transported in short time and under UHV-condition to the analytics station and back to other deposition tools. This allows for an in-system analysis of the various thin film and nanostructured material systems step by step.

For further details please follow this link to the IGAMA database.