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Sample Characterization Laboratory (SCALA)

The Sample Characterization Laboratory (SCALA) provides state-of-the-art equipment for advanced sample analysis. Researchers have access to the following cutting-edge instruments:

·  UV-Vis-Near IR Spectrometer (Cary 5000) for analyzing the absorbance and transmission properties of materials.

·  Atomic Force Microscope (AFM, Veeco) for high-resolution imaging and surface property analysis.

· Portable Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, Phenos Pharos) for detailed surface examination.

·  Optical (Zeiss) and Stereo Microscopes (Kern) for macroscopic and microscopic analysis.

·  X-ray Diffractometer (Bruker D8 Advance) for crystal structure investigations.

·  Profilometer (DektakXT) for precise surface roughness and thickness measurements.

·  Ellipsometer (M-2000, J.A. Woollam) for highly effective thin film measurements.

Additionally, the lab is equipped with a flow box for advanced preparation procedures, a toolbox for sample mounting, a soldering station, and two sample preparation tables.

Sample Characterization Lab (SCALA) at EMIL

Through the combination of the chemistry lab and SCALA, EMIL empowers scientists to prepare samples with utmost precision and subsequently analyze their characteristics using advanced techniques.

To access the laboratory facilities, all users must complete both online and in-person training sessions with the lab manager.

Please contact the lab manager Dr. Alejandra Ramirez Caro, if you have further questions.

SCALA calendar