Thin-film photovoltaics have advantages in certain applications such as the potential to produce light-weight and flexible modules, reduced energy consumption in production, and adaptable visual appearance.
One of the relevant technologies for thin-film photovoltaics is based on chalcopyrite absorber materials. Following the chemical composition of the most frequently used chalcoyprites, i.e., Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2, these materials are also known as CIGS.
The CIGS groups at PVcomB have been developing processes for high efficiency and low production costs and have been assisting our industrial partners in bringing new developments from the laboratory closer to industrial production. A complete range of industry standard processes are available for the preparation of cells and small modules. We share many of the standard characterization tools with the other groups at PVcomB, and have access to sophisticated analysis tools elsewhere at the HZB.
More recently the focus has shifted to the application of CIGS as a bottom device for tandem solar cells and modules, predominantly with perovskite top cells. This requires a re-assessment of all previous developments which were aimed at stand-alone (single junction) CIGS devices. We work in close collaboration with other groups at HZB to integrate the modified CIGS devices in tandems and have already reached an independently verified cell efficiency of 24.6%, exceeding the highest CIGS single junction efficiency. We participate in national and international projects aimed at the industrial implementation of these new technologies.
Our topics include:
- (flexible) substrates and back contacts
- CIGS layers grown by multi-source evaporation
- Electron and hole transport layers for recombination junctions
- Multi junction solar cells
- Monolithic integration, module backend, testing
- Surface and interface analysis