Architektur Award Building-integrated Solar Technology 2022

The Bavarian Association for the Promotion of Solar Energy is organising again a worldwide competition for excellent building-integrated solar systems.

The use of solar energy in and on buildings is a key aspect within energy efficient construction – for individual homes, industrial and administrative buildings, as well as residential schemes. Solar systems should be self-evident components in innovative building envelopes and refurbishments to improve energy efficiency. The challenge is to find suitable ways to implement these technical innovations in design terms.

By integrating solar power systems in the roof or façades of buildings in an architecturally and technically sophisticated manner, architects can increase the awareness of both builders and the public regarding the possibilities for combining buildings with solar technology, and thus help renewable energies become more widespread. To increase acceptance and to foster awareness of this topic, the Bavarian Association for the Promotion of Solar Energy (SeV Bayern) is organising for the 9th time the competition “Building-Integrated Solar Technology 2022”.


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