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School Lab

What we offer...

...in Berlin-Wannsee

At the Lise-Meitner-Campus in Wannsee we offer projects for pupils from 5th to 13th grade. These project days explore topics like solar energy, research into materials, magnetism and supra-conductors as well as light and colours. > read more

...in Berlin-Adlershof

At the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus in Adlershof we offer projects for pupils from 5th to 13th grade. These project days explore topics like solar energy, research into materials, diffraction and interference as well as light and colours. > read more

workshops for pupils

In our school lab in Berlin-Adlershof pupils from different schools meet up once a week to research various topics of the natural sciences and technology under the guidance of one or more of our student assistants. > read more

internships for 9th/10th grade pupils

If you enjoy experimenting and explaining physical phenomena, maybe an intership at the school lab is just the right thing for you. > read more