Garud, S.; Trinh, C.T.; Abou-Ras, D.; Stannowski, B.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.; Amkreutz, D.: Toward High Solar Cell Efficiency with Low Material Usage: 15% Efficiency with 14 % μm Polycrystalline Silicon on Glass. Solar RRL 4 (2020), p. 2000058/1-8
Open Access Version (externer Anbieter)
Liquid‐phase‐crystallized silicon (LPC‐Si) is a bottom‐up approach to creating solar cells with the potential to avoid material loss and energy usage in wafer slicing techniques. A desired thickness of silicon (5–40 μm) is crystallized with a line‐shaped energy source, which is a laser, herein. The first part reports the efforts to optimize amorphous silicon contact layers for better surface passivation. The second part covers laser firing on the electron contact. It enables a controllable trade‐off between charge collection and fill factor (FF) by creating a low resistance contact, while preserving a‐Si:H (i) passivation in other areas. Short‐circuit current density (JSC) is observed to be up to 33:1 mA cm−2, surpassing all previously reported values for this technology. Open‐circuit voltage (VOC) of up to 658 mV also exceeded every previous value published at a low bulk doping concentration (1 × 1016 cm−3). Laser firing reduced JSC by 0:6 mA cm−2 on average but improved the FF by 22.5% absolute on average, without any significant effect on VOC. Collectively, these efforts have helped in achieving a new in‐house record efficiency for LPC‐Si of 15.1% and show a potential to reach 16% efficiency in the near future with optimization of series resistance.