Weinberger, N.; Kodalle, T.; Bertram, T.; Gunder, R.; Saxer, A.; Lackner, R.; Strauss, G.N.; Kaufmann, C.A.: Phase development in RbInSe2 thin films – a temperature series. Scripta Materialia 202 (2021), p. 113999/1-5
Open Access Version

Rb, In and Se were deposited in a co-evaporation chamber at various substrate temperatures (TSub = 280°C, 350°C, 450°C, 550°C) on Mo coated soda-lime glass. It was found that the RbInSe2 crystal phase is already detectable for nominal TSub = 350°C. During calibrated in-situ high-temperature grazing incidence X-ray diffraction on the sample grown at the lowest temperature, crystallization of monoclinic RbInSe2 can be observed at 215°C ± 3°C. The morphology of the layers shows distinct differences for increasing TSub, while the elemental composition of the deposited thin films only exhibits minor changes. The deposited layers show a decrease of (X-ray) amorphous constituents and changes in the preferred crystal orientation of the RISe layer with increasing TSub. The influence of Na supply on the layer growth was investigated by applying a SiNxOy diffusion barrier layer in between the glass substrate and the Mo layer on half of the studied samples.