8th World Conference on PV Energy Conversion

The WCPEC-8 woll take place from 26 – 30 September 2022 in the Milano Convention Centre in Milan, Italy.
Also scientists from PVcomB will present latest results about their research work to photovoltaics.

Scientists from PVcomB will present latest results about their research work to photovoltaics. The different oral and poster presentations will cover a wide range of topics, from the optimisation of absorber CIGS layers, losses and degradation effects in perovskite solar cells up to the investigation of solar facades.

We are looking forward to meet you in Milano!

Oral presentations:

  • 2BO.9.6 "Indoor and Outdoor Ageing of Perovskite Solar Cells: Long -Term Stability vs Meta-Stability",
    M. Khenkin, et al.
  • 2CO.2.5 "In-Depth Characterization and Optimization of Hole-Transport Layers for Efficient Shunt Quenching and Charge-Carrier Collection in CIGS-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells",
    Ivona Kafedjiska, et al.
  • 2CO.2.6 "Laser-based Monolithic Series Interconnection of CIGSE-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells – Determination of Optimum Scribe Line Properties",
    Christof Schultz, et al.
  • 2CO.3.2  "Scaling of Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Targeting for Industrial Process by Dry and Wet Approaches",
    Bernd Stannwoski, et al.
  • 2DO.6.2 "Alkali Post-Deposition Treatment Strategies for Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Solar Cell Absorbers",
    Pablo Itzam Reyes-Figueroa, et al.

Poster presentations:

  • 2AV.1.3 "Quantifying Energy Losses Due to Light Soaking Effect in Perovskite Solar Cells under Outdoor Conditions",
    M. Remec, et al.
  • 2AV.1.7 "Quantification of Spatially Resolved Electrical Properties of Laser Patterned, Interconnected Perovskite Solar Cells based on Hyperspectral Imaging",
    Schultz, et al.
  • 2AV.1.37 "Ageing of Perovskite Solar Cells: Indoor Stress Tests and Their Relevance for Outdoor Stability",
    U. Erdil et al.
  • 4BV.1.1 "Influence of Rear Side Ventilation and Insulation on the Module Performance of PV Facades as Ventilated Curtain Wall",
    N. Albinius, et al.
  • 2BV.2.52 "Online Implementation of a Multiple Linear Regression Model for CIGS Photovoltaic Module Performance",
    P. Graniero, et al.
  • 5DV.2.9 "Reactive Power Control in PV System s through (explainable) Artificial Intelligence",
    C. Utama, et al.

Session chairing:

  • Session 2BO.10 "Scaling Up Manufacturing Processes for Perovskite Devices and First Applications"
    Mark Khenkin
  • Session 3BO.12 "Outdoor Performances"
    Rutger Schlatmannn


Rutger Schlatmann
The European Becquerel Prize for Outstanding Merits in Photovoltaics
Laudation for
Prof. Marko Topič

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