European photocathode community
European Network on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications / ENPAA
INFN LASA / PSI / CERN / DESY / HZB / HZDR / ASTeC Daresbury Lab / Uni Oldenburg
Particle accelerators play a fundamental role within the modern research and development era, advancing such varied fields as the future of energy, health and our industry. The development of novel accelerator concepts already today gives science impulses for the exploration of new research fields and will be indispensable in the future. The development of innovative particle sources with extreme performance parameters such as high beam current, low emittance, variable pulse length or selectable polarization is the main task for future accelerators. The goal of our research is to understand the fundamental limits of beam brightness in electron sources, electron guns and accelerators. The network covers research and development of photocathodes for accelerator applications: All related topics, including operational experience, preparation, and analytical methods including instrumentation as well as theoretical modelling, industrial applications, and novel materials. The Network is currently working on a scientific programme for the upcoming EWPAA 2022 at INFN LASA, Milano, Italy.