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Project PECSYS


Project Videos

A scalable thermally integrated CuInGaSe (CIGS) photovoltaic-alkaline electrolyser

Within the PECSYS Project, Uppsala University and Solibro Research AB, developed a thermally integrated photovoltaic (PV)-electrolysis device made up of a CuInGaSe (CIGS) photovoltaic module and a FeNiOH (cathode)-FeNiOH (anode)-based alkaline electrolyser. The solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency (STH) remained above 10 % for more than 1 hour at 100 mW cm-2 resulting in an average hydrogen production rate of 5.74 mL min-1 for a device with a 2×3-cell CIGS module (active area ~ 80 cm²) and an electrolyser with an electrode area of 100 cm2. The average hydrogen production rate and STH efficiency were 5.4 mL min-1 and 9.7 % for 7-days-operation of the device, respectively.

A scalable thermally integrated CuInGaSe (CIGS) photovoltaic-alkaline electrolyser


Solar hydrogen generation demonstrator based on bifacial photovoltaics

Within the PECSYS Project, the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), together with Enel Green Power and Forschungszentrum Jülich, developed a solar to hydrogen generation demonstrator based on a 730 cm2 three-cell bifacial silicon heterojunction photovoltaic mini-module. The photovoltaic module has been directly coupled to a water electrolysis system based on a proton exchange membrane (PEM). The system has operated outdoor continuously from June to September 2020 in Catania, Italy. The main results on the system performance at 1000 W/m2 of incident solar radiation are the following:

  1. Solar to hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency  of 13.5 %
  2. H2 production rate of 4.2 grams / m2 / hr
  3. Optimized bifaciality at 30 % albedo allowing a 16% gain in conversion efficiency compared to mono-facial photovoltaics.

Solar hydrogen generation demonstrator based on bifacial photovoltaics


A 10 m² direct solar to hydrogen demonstrator

Within the PECSYS Project, Forschungszentrum Jülich together with the other partners developed a directly coupled photovoltaic (PV) - water electrolysis system. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers, with media supply exclusively from the cathode, were electrically coupled to commercial sized PV modules, without any power electronics, in a so-called cassette design. The performance of this direct solar to hydrogen generating system during outdoor operation in Jülich, Germany is summarised as:   

  • Solar to hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency was in the range of 10 % all over the year
  • Durability over more than 6 months (~2,500 h) was demonstrated
  • Cumulative generation of 231,000 liters hydrogen over 6 months was achieved

A 10 m² direct solar to hydrogen demonstrator


PVEC demonstration Video HZB

18.52 s

Project brochure

Download our PECSYS brochure