September 2nd |
09:00-10:00 |
Registration |
10:00-10:15 |
Welcome by Frank Siewert (HZB) |
Session 1 |
10:15 |
M. L. Ng (SLAC), Recent Results from the LCLS Optics Metrology |
10:30 |
F. Siewert (HZB), Ex-Situ and At-Wavelength Metrology at BESSY-II- for the Inspection of Ultra-Precise X-Ray Optics |
10:45 |
S. Alcock (Diamond), A New, Ultra-stable, Lab at Diamond for Nano-Metrology of X-Ray Optics |
11:00 |
S. Schmidtchen (Europ.XFEL), Metrology on KB Mirrors for an X-Ray Free Electron Laser Oscillator |
11:15-11:45 |
Coffee break |
Session 2 |
11:45 |
H. Yumoto (SPring-8), Zero-Method Scanning-Probe Profilometer for Steeply-Curved Aspheric X-Ray Mirrors |
12:00 |
A. Vivo (ESRF), Operating Long Trace Profiler at High Velocity: Advantages, Issues, Accuracy |
12:15 |
R. Geckeler (PTB), Application and Performance of Elcomat 5000 Series Autocollimators in Deflectometric Profilometry |
12:30 |
M. S. Silva (LNLS UMARI), Universal Metrology Apparatus for Reflectometry and Interferometry |
12:45-13:45 |
Lunch + poster session |
Session 3 |
13:45 |
M. Idir (BNL-NSLS-II), Diffraction Limited X-Ray Mirror Metrology and Fabrication @ NSLSII |
14:00 |
T. Wang (BNL-NSLS-II), Manufacturing Sub-Nanometer Synchrotron X-Ray Mirrors via Ion Beam Figuring: Key Aspects |
14:15 |
R. Shurvinton (Diamond), Update on the Ion Beam Figuring Project at the Diamond Light Source |
14:30 |
S. Alcock (Diamond), Additive Manufacture 3D-printed, Metallic X-Ray Mirror for Synchrotron & XFEL Facilities |
14:45-15:00 |
Coffee break |
Session 4 |
15:00 |
S. Matsuyama (Nagoya Univ.), Development of Atomically Precise X-Ray Deformable Mirror Based on Lithium Niobate Single Crystal |
15:15 |
T. Inoue (Nagoya Univ.), Development of Ultrathin Bimorph Deformable Mirror Based on Single-Crystal Piezoelectric Wafer |
15:30 |
S. Jiang (NSRL Heifei), The Design of High Stability and Accuracy KB Bender for Hefei Advanced Light Facility |
15:45 |
F. Yang (HEPS), X-Ray Active Optics Based on Deterministic Shape Modulation by Surface Actuation |
16:00 |
H. Mimura (Univ. of Tokyo), Advances in Electroformed X-Ray Optics for Microscopy and Astronomy |