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IWXM Poster Sessions

Author Subject Title
Jiatai Feng Spectrometer Soft/tender X-ray 2D-RIXS Spectrometer Design
Matthias Müller Beamlines Tender X-ray Microfocus Beamline for Dipole Radiation at BESSY II
Nazanin Samadi Beamlines X-ray Optics and Instrumentation Testing at P25: Enabling Multifunctional Developments towards PETRA IV
Peter Baumgärtel Beamlines / Software New Out-of-the-box Synchrotron Radiation Source in RAY-UI
Peter Baumgärtel Beamlines / Software RAYX: A Next Generation Tool for Simulating and
Designing Beamlines
Timm Waterstradt Fabrication / Bender Mechanical Benders for Sub-100-nrad Mirrors
Maurizio Vannoni Metrology Optics Bender SXP Bendable Mirrors Substrates Characterisation
Katherine Morrow Optics/Software Modelling the Temporal Effects of Multilayer Structures in Python Using the Transfer Matrix Method
François Perrin Metrology/Software PyLOSt – a Software Package for Sub-aperture Stitching and Data Analysis of Metrology Data of Reflective X-ray Optics
Albert Van Eeckhout Metrology Improving Fizeau Stitching Measurements with a Fan
Théo Sieg-Letessier Metrology Long Trace Profiler Downwards and Sideways Facing Measurement Simulations
Josep Nicolas Metrology Fast Mirror Metrology with the ALBA-NOM
Cyprian Wozniak Metrology TITAN: Plug and Play Stitching Topography at Nanoscale
Valeriy Yashchuk Metrology Development of Super-Resolution Interference Microscopy Metrology of X-ray VLS Diffraction Gratings
Raymond Barret Metrology Superflat – an Initiative for Improved Flat Mirror Quality
Dongni Zhang Metrology Optical Metrology of the High Energy Photon Source
Fang Liu Metrology Newly Developed Wavefront Metrology Techniques and Application of HEPS
Barbara Keitel Metrology/Beamline/InSitu New Wavefront Sensor for Renewed Differential Pumping Unit at FLASH2 Beamlines
Mikako Makita Metrology/Beamline/InSitu Near-field Probing Potentials Using Ronchi Method and Hard X-ray FEL Pulses
Ohashi Haruhiko Metrology/Beamline/InSitu Experimental Correction of Wavefront Distortion Recorded by Talbot Interferometer with Mismatched Gratings
Hiroki Nakamori Metrology/Fabrication Development of Stitching CGH Interferometry for Manufacturing 2-Dimensionally Curved X-ray Mirrors
Simon Aclock Metrology/Tools An Ultra-stable, 3-axis Goniometer for Precise Angular Positioning for Optical Metrology of X-ray Mirrors
Albert Van Eeckhout Metrology/Astro MINERVA Positioning System with Bayesian Orientation Control for Assembling the NewATHENA Mission Mirror Modules
Amparo Vivo Metrology/Fabrication/Coating Optical Metrology for Differential Deposition at ESRF
Idoia Freijo Martin Metrology/Optics/InSitu Metrology Measurements of Mounted Mirrors for EuXFEL HED Split and Delay Unit
Jonathan Weck Metrology/Optics/InSitu At-Wavelength Metrology Facility for EUV and XUV Optics, Modern Data Processing and Simulations
Jürgen Probst Optics Light Element Analysis with the Parallel Wavelength-Dispersive Spectrometer “WDSX-300”
Christoph Braig Optics A Reflection Zone Plate for Parallelized High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy at the Fe L3-edge
Thomas Krist Optics Reflection Zone Plate Optics for Ultrafast Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in the Laboratory
Yasunori Senba Optics Standard Design and Evaluation of Monolithic Wolter Mirror for Hard X-ray Focusing at SPring-8
Zhen Hong Optics The Research on the Fabrication of X-ray Optical Elements
Michael Krumey Beamlines / Astro Reflectance Measurements on Silicon Pore Optics for the NewAthena Observatory