Öffnet in neuem Fenster
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Öffnet externe Seite in neuem Fenster
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Subjects and Speakers
- Climate change
- Energy scenarios
- Principles of photovoltaics
- Principles of photoelectrochemistry
- Thermodynamics of solar energy conversion
- Crystalline silicon solar cells
- Thin-film solar cells (silicon, CdTe, CIGS)
- Organic solar cells
- Perovskite solar cells
- Multi junction solar cells with ultimate efficiences (III-V)
- Material properties
- Light harvesting and spectral conversion
- Semiconductor nanostructures and quantum dots
- Photovoltaics on the TW scale
- Solar fuel production
- Solar cell simulation
- R. van de Krol (HZB, GER)
- T. Unold (HZB, GER)
- T. Kirchartz (FZ Jülich, GER)
- S. Siebentritt (University of Luxembourg, LU)
- T. Hannappel (TU Ilmenau, GER)
- K. Lips (HZB, GER)
- J.C. Hummelen (University Groningen, NL)
- R. Santbergen (TU Delft, NL)
- E. Unger (Humboldt University, HZB, GER)
- D. Vanmaekelbergh (Utrecht University, NL)
- J. C. Goldschmidt (Philipps-Universität Marburg, GER)