ISSE School
The International Society for Sample Environment (ISSE) invites students, postdocs, technicians and engineers to participate at the 3rd ISSE Training School in Berlin from Sunday, Oct. 27th to Friday, Nov. 1st, 2019.

The biennial course will be hosted by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), operating the BER II neutron source (Lise-Meitner Campus, LMC) in Berlin-Wannsee and the BESSY II soft X-ray synchrotron facility at Berlin-Adlershof (Wilhelm-Conrad Röntgen Campus, WCRC).
The school will provide lectures on cryogenics, thermodynamics, high pressure and high temperature experiments, gas environments, ultrahigh vacuum technology, engineering design as well as practical hands-on training applicable to neutron as well as X-ray science. The sample environment team of the HZB is looking forward to seeing you in Berlin this year. Participants can be accommodated at the guest house at LMC or near the venue (self-pay).
The online application: The school is limited to 20 participants.