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Neutron Scattering in Magnetic Fields Above 15 Tesla

29-30 October 2014

Lise Meitner Campus / Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie

List of confirmed speakers

  • E. Blackburn - University of Birmingham (Invited)
  • G. Boebinger  - NHMFL, Tallahassee (Invited)
  • M. Braden - Universität zu Köln (Invited)
  • M. Enderle – ILL Grenoble (Invited)
  • E. Fogh - Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby (Contributed)
  • K. Fritsch - HZB (Contributed)
  • T. Kimura - Osaka University (Invited)
  • M. Lumsden Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Invited)
  • J. Lynn – NIST, Gaithersburg (Invited)
  • J. Mydosh - Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden (Invited)
  • H. Nakotte -New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (Contributed)
  • H. Nojiri Tohoku University, Sendai (Invited)
  • A. Podlesnyak - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Contributed)
  • J. Porras – MPI Stuttgart (Contributed)
  • O. Stockert – MPI Dresden (Invited)
  • J. Wosnitza - HZDR, Dresden (Invited)


Wednesday, October 29th 2014


Registration in front of the Lecture Hall H101

9.00 – 9.10

A. Kaysser-Pyzalla, B. Lake
Welcome address (10 min)


Session 1

Chair: B. Lake


P. Smeibidl (HZB)
HFM-EXED: Magnet & Technical Infrastructure (30 min)
O. Prokhnenko (HZB)
HFM-EXED: Neutron Instrument (20 min)
R. Wahle (HZB)
HFM EXED: Sample Cryostat (20 min)


Coffee break


Session 2

Chair: M. Enderle


J.Wosnitza (HZDR Dresden)
Scientific opportunities at high magnetic fields (invited)
J. Lynn (NIST, Gaithersburg)
High Magnetic Field Neutron Investigations in hard CMP (invited)
O. Stockert (MPI Dresden)
 Heavy-fermion compounds in magnetic fields: what can we learn from high-field neutron scattering (invited)


Lunch Café Jahn


Session 3

Chair: G. Boebinger


J. Mydosh (Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden)
The Quest for Neutron Scattering in High Magnetic Fields: Some Uranium-Based Compounds  (invited)
M. Lumsden (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Recent research and future plans with high magnetic fields at SNS and HFIR
A. Podlesnyak (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Spin crossover phenomena in transition metal oxides under high magnetic field (contributed)


Coffee break and Poster session in Colloquium room H132


Guided tour to the HMF-EXED site


Dinner outside HZB (departure 18.40)

Thursday, October 30th 2014


Session 4

Chair: E. Forgan


G. Boebinger (NHMFL, Tallahassee)
Probing Quantum Matter: Neutrons and High Magnetic Fields (invited)
T. Kimura (Osaka University)
Mutiferroics under extreme conditions (invited)
J. Porras (MPI Stuttgart)
Phase diagram of the cuprate superconductors in high magnetic fields (contributed)


Coffee break


Session 5

Chair: J. Lynn


H. Nojiri (Tohoku University)
Present and Future of Neutron Experiments in Pulsed Magnetic Fields and Complementary use with Steady Fields (invited)
M. Enderle (ILL Grenoble)
Nematic spin liquids in high magnetic fields (invited)
H. Nakotte (New Mexico State University)
Science with Neutron and Coherent X-ray Scattering at the Frontier of High Magnetic Fields (contributed)
E. Fogh (Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby)
Magnetic High-Field Phases of Magnetoelectric LiNiPO4 (contributed)


Lunch Café Jahn


Session 7

Chair: J. Wosnitza


E. Blackburn (University of Birminngham)
tba (invited)
M. Braden (Universität zu Köln)
Anisotropy of magnetic correlations in FeAs based superconductors (invited)
K. Fritsch (HZB)
Quantum fluctuations and phase transitions in a quasi-2D Ising magnet in transverse magnetic field (contributed)


Coffee break


Session 8

Chair: Ch. Rüegg


M. Bartkowiak (HZB)
Practical Information: judging the possibilities of HFM-EXED (20 min)
B. Lake (HZB)
How to apply for beam time (20 min)
Discussion and Concluding remarks




  • Invited Talks: 30 minutes including discussion
  • Contributed Talks: 20 minutes including discussion
  • Posters: A0 portrait orientation

The workshop will start at 9.00 am on Wed, 29th October 2014, and will finish at 16.00 pm on Thur, 30th October 2014.


  • Bartkowiak, Maciej: Practical Information - assessing the capabilities of HFM-EXED
  • Boebinger, Greg: Probing Quantum Matter: Neutrons and High Magnetic Fields
  • Braden, Markus: Anisotropy of magnetic correlations in FeAs based superconductors
  • Fogh, Ellen: Magnetic High-Field Phases of Magnetoelectric LiNiPO4
  • Kimura, Tsuyoshi: Mutiferroics under extreme conditions
  • Lake, Bella: How to Apply for Beamtime
  • Lumsden, Mark: Recent research and future plans with high magnetic fields at SNS and HFIR
  • Lynn, Jeffrey: High Magnetic Field Neutron Investigations in hard CMP
  • Mydosh, J. A.: The Quest for Neutron Scattering in High Magnetic Fields - Some Uranium-Based Compounds
  • Nakotte, Heinz  / Fanelli, Victor R. / Fohtung, Edwin: Science with Neutron and Coherent X-ray Scattering at the Frontier of High Magnetic Fields
  • Podlesnyak, Andrey: Spin crossover phenomena in transition metal oxides under high magnetic field
  • Porras, Juan: Phase diagram of the cuprate superconductors in high magnetic fields
  • Prokhnenko, Oleksandr: Neutron Instrument
  • Smeibidl, P.: High Magnetic Field Facility for Neutron Scattering Project - HFM-EXED at HZB
  • Stockert, O.: Heavy-fermion compounds in magnetic fields - what can we learn from high-field neutron scattering
  • Wahle, R.: Low Temperatures in the High Field Magnet
  • Wosnitza, Jochen: Scientific Opportunities at High Magnetic Fields