• Ott, K.; Bergmann, Y.: Radiation Protection Issues of bERLinPro. In: DESY [Ed.] : Proceedings of Eigth International Workshop on Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation SourcesHamburg, 2015, p. 1-11

Open Access Version

Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL) offer the possibility to combine the advantages of electron storage rings and free electron lasers: many beamlines that could be used simultaneously, high power beam, high spectral brilliance, high coherence, short pulses and a high flexibility in different operation modes and beam patterns. The objective of the ERL project at HZB is to demonstrate the cw linac technology with low emittance, 100 mA, and 50 MeV as a possible prototype of a next-generation synchrotron light source that is based on ERL principle [1]. Because of the tremendous beam power the facility will be placed subterraneously. The radiation in the transversal direction is three orders of magnitude lower than in the forward direction but still requires several meters of vertical shielding. Because of the long calculation times of Monte Carlo programs for thick shielding we derived analytical formulas with FLUKA [2],[3] which we used for the shielding design [4],[5]. The building work started in February 2015, the first beam of the injector is expected in 2017. We present the status of the project and details of the planning of shielding, safety measures and measurement devices. We present also results of activation calculations of groundwater, soil and air and atmospheric dispersion modeling.