Denks, I.A. ; Genzel, C. ; Dudzik, E. ; Feyerherm, R. ; Klaus, M. ; Wagener, G.: New HMI hard X-ray diffraction beamlines at BESSY. In: Choi, Jae-Young [u.a.] [Eds.] : Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation : Ninth International Conference on ... SRI 2006, Daegu, Korea, 28 May - 2 June 2006Woodbury, NY: AIP Press, 2007. - ISBN 978-0-7354-0373-4, p. 1763-1766
Since April 2005 the Hahn-Meitner-Institute is operating two new beamlines for energy dispersive diffraction experiments (EDDI) and for (resonant) magnetic scattering (MAGS) at BESSY. The source for both beamlines is a superconducting 7 T multipole wiggler which provides hard X-ray photons with energies between 4 and 150 keV. The EDDI beamline uses the white beam and is intended for residual stress measurements on small samples as well as heavy engineering parts.The MAGS beamline delivers a focussed monochromatic beam with photon fluxes in the 1012 (s 100 mA 0.1 % bandwidth)-1 range at energies from 4 to 30 keV. It is equipped for single crystal diffraction and resonant (magnetic) scattering experiments as well as for the study of thin films, micro-, and nanostructures in materials science.