• García-Matres, E.; Wiedenmann, A.; Kumar, G.; Eckert, J.; Hermann, H.; Schultz, L.: Hard magnetic properties of bulk amorphous Nd60Fe20Co10Al10 investigated by SANSPOL. Physica B 350 (2004), p. e315-e318


Bulk amorphous Nd60FexCo30xAl10 alloys have been studied by small angle scattering using polarised neutrons (SANSPOL). The field used for the measurements was m0H ¿ 2T for temperatures between 6 and 100K and m0H ¿ 1T between 300 and 480 K. From the fit of the nuclear scattering curves we found the presence of two Nd-rich nanocrystallite contributions. The magnetic scattering curves Ion and Ioff at different temperatures show a change in the intensity sign which is related to the magnetic transitions Tc1 and Tc2 observed in the previous studies. At Tc1=50K the Nd-nanoparticles became paramagnetic. As holes in the metastable ferromagnetic phase they act as ¿¿pinning centers¿¿. At temperatures larger than Tc2=500K the ferromagnetic matrix became paramagnetic. SANSPOL measurements confirm the hard magnetic properties of the as-cast samples considering a domain wall pinning model. r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.12.Ex; 61.46.+W; 75.50.Kj Keywords: Small angle neutron scattering; Hard magnetism; Amorphous