• Krist Th. ; Peters J. ; Shimizu H.M. ; Suzuki J. ; Oku T.: Transmission bender for polarizing neutrons . Physica B 356 (2005), p. 197-200

A system of a polarizing solid state bender and a collimator was built and tested. It consists of a stack of thin silicon wafers coated with polarizing FeCo-Si supermirrors. The stack is deflected in the middle by one wafer thickness. Inserted in an unpolarized neutron beam this device works as a spin splitter by transmitting the spin down component without any change in its flight path and reflecting the spin up component. With a collimator behind the bender it can be selected which one of the spin components is transmitted. In this way a transmission polarizer for neutrons with wavelengths above 4 Å was built which has a total length of less than 10 cm.