• Fransson, T.; Harada, Y.; Kosugi, N.; Besley, N.; Winter, B.; Rehr, J.; Pettersson, L.; Nilsson, A.: X-ray and Electron Spectroscopy of Water. Chemical Reviews 116 (2016), p. 7551-7569


Here we present an overview of recent developments of X-ray and electron spectroscopy to probe water at different temperatures. Photon-induced ionization followed by detection of electrons from either the O 1s level or the valence band is the basis of photoelectron spectroscopy. Excitation between the O 1s and the unoccupied states or occupied states is utilized in X-ray absorption and X-ray emission spectroscopies. These techniques probe the electronic structure of the liquid phase and show sensitivity to the local hydrogen-bonding structure. Both experimental aspects related to the measurements and theoretical simulations to assist in the interpretation are discussed in detail. Different model systems are presented such as the different bulk phases of ice and various adsorbed monolayer structures on metal surfaces.