Dalesio, L.; Carcassi, G.; Kraimer, M. R.; Malitsky, N.; Shen, G.; Davidsaver, M.; Lange, R.; Sekoranja, M.; Rowland, J.; White, G.; Korhonen, T.: EPICS V4 EXPANDS SUPPORT TO PHYSICS APPLICATION, DATA ACSUISITION, AND DATA ANALYSIS. In: Proceedings of ICALEPCS 2011, Grenoble, France, 2011, p. 1338-1340
EPICS version 4 extends the functionality of version 3 by providing the ability to define, transport, and introspect composite data types. Version 3 provided a set of process variables and a data protocol that adequately defined scalar data along with an atomic set of attributes. While remaining backward compatible, Version 4 is able to easily expand this set with a data protocol capable of exchanging complex data types and parameterized data requests. Additionally, a group of engineers defined reference types for some applications in this environment. The goal of this work is to define a narrow interface with the minimal set of data types needed to support a distributed architecture for physics applications, data acquisition, and data analysis.