Schiwietz, G.; Roth, M.; Hellhammer, R.; Czerski, K.; Staufenbiel, F.; Fadanelli, R.C.; Morais, J.; Grande, P.L.: Al-K-Auger Energy Spectra: Probing the Electron Dynamics in Ion-Solid Interactions. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 74 (2010), p. 192-200
K-Auger electron emission has been investigated for incident electrons and for different types of heavy ions interacting with mono-crystalline aluminum (100) targets at specific kinetic energies of 3 to 5MeV/u. In an effort to gain a profound knowledge about the ionization and vacancy-decay dynamics for the K-shell in Al, spectra have been measured with different energy resolutions and angular distributions have been taken as well. Here we concentrate on the energy spectra; we identify the measured peak structures and we investigate different line intensities and mean target charge-states quantitatively, in comparison with theoretical results.