• Ernstorfer, R.; Gundlach, L.; Felber, S. ; Storck, W.; Eichberger, R.; Zimmermann, C.; Willig, F.: Ultrafast electron transfer via a bridge-extended donor orbital. In: Kobayashi, T. [Ed.] : Ultrafast phenomena XIV : proceedings of the 14th international conference, Niigata, Japan, July 25 - 30, 2004Berlin: Springer, 2005 (Springer series in chemical physics ; 79). - ISBN 3-540-24110-8, p. 891-893

Electron transfer from the excited aromatic donor perylene to TiO2 occurred with 10 fs time constant via the conjugated -CH=CH bridge unit compared to 57 fs in the presence of the saturated -CH2-CH2- bridge unit.