NextGen@Helmholtz Konferenz 2017 für Doktoranden aus der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Konferenz für Promovierende vom 5. bis 7. Juli - Anmeldung bis 30. April möglich

Kennen Sie Promovierende aus anderen Helmholtz-Zentren? Haben Sie sich Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie es nach der Promotion weitergeht? Auf der zweiten großen Helmholtz-Doktoranden-Konferenz finden Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden gemeinsam Antworten. Die Konferenz tagt vom 5. bis 7. Juli 2017 am GEOMAR in Kiel. Sie wollen mit dabei sein? Dann melden Sie sich hier bis zum 30. April an. Die Teilnahme ist nur kostet 50 Euro.

(The conference language is english): An exciting and multidisciplinary program is waiting for you. Get a professional pitch talk training, so your poster will be the most visited one. Learn how to communicate science to a broader audience apart from the traditional presentation. Or take part in the Yooweedoo change maker workshop, where you will get professional help in turning your ideas into a real life project. Talk to Alumni to find out everything about your possibilities after your PhD. Discover the GEOMAR facilities and infrastructure.

Beside the scientific program you get the chance to explore Kiel from its sea side and get creative in the science slam.

Take up this opportunity to meet people from diverse institutes of the Helmholtz Association and get a chance to present your own scientific work to pave the way for multidisciplinary collaborations. Get the most out of the great network you are part of – the Helmholtz Association.

We are looking forward to see you there!

More information and Programme:

Registration is possible between March 13th and April 23rd.

Facebook and Twitter:

There is also a short video about last year.


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