Erk, B.; Müller, J.P.; Bomme, C.; Boll, R.; Brenner, G.; Chapman, H.; Correa, J.; Düsterer, S.; Dziarzhytski, S.; Eisebitt, S.; Graafsma, H.; Grunewald, S.; Gumprecht, L.; Hartmann, R.; Hauser, G.; Keitel, B.; von Korff Schmising, C.; Kuhlmann, M.; Manschwetus, B.; Mercadier, L.; Müller, E.; Passow, Christopher.; Ploenjes, E.; Ramm, D.; Rompotis, D.; Rudenko, A.; Rupp, D.; Sauppe, M.; Siewert, F.; Schlosser, D.; Strüder, L.; Swiderski, A.; Techert, S.; Tiedtke, K.; Tilp, T.; Treusch, R.; Schlichting, I.; Ullrich, J.; Moshammer, R.; Möller, T.; Rolles, D.: CAMP@FLASH - An End-Station for Imaging, Electron-and Ion-Spectroscopy, and Pump-Probe Experiments at the FLASH Free-Electron Laser. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25 (2018), p. 1529-1540
Open Accesn Version

The non-monochromatic beamline BL1 at the FLASH free-electron laser facility at DESY was upgraded with new transport and focusing optics, and a new permanent end-station, CAMP, was installed. This multi-purpose instrument is optimized for electron- and ion-spectroscopy, imaging and pump–probe experiments at free-electron lasers. It can be equipped with various electronand ion-spectrometers, along with large-area single-photon-counting pnCCD X-ray detectors, thus enabling a wide range of experiments from atomic, molecular, and cluster physics to material and energy science, chemistry and biology. Here, an overview of the layout, the beam transport and focusing capabilities, and the experimental possibilities of this new end-station are presented, as well as results from its commissioning.