Goslawski, P.; Abo-Bakr, M.; Bengtsson, J.; Holldack, K.; Jankowiak, A.; Kiefer, K.; Kuske, B.; Meseck, A.; Sauerborn, M.; Schwarzkopf, O.; Viefhaus, J.; Voelker, J.; Mueller, R.: BESSY III - status and overview. In: Ralph Assmann [Ed.] : IPAC'23 : Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference ; Venice, Italy from 7 to 12 May 2023Geneva: JACoW, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-95450-231-8, p. MOPA174/1-4
Open Access Version

The Pre-Conceptual Design Report (preCDR) of the BESSY III facility has been finalized at the end of August 2022 and reviewed by a Project Advisory Committee beginning of September 2022. In this paper, we give a status report of the BESSY III facility project and will discuss aspects of lattice design, technical specifications, initial developments and a first estimate of power consumption compared to BESSY II.