XUV undulator radiation variable polarization with PGM for meV RIXS
The UE112_PGM-1 is a low-energy high-flux beamline with the meV-RIXS permanent end station.
Station data | |
Temperature range | Base temperature of liquid N2 and He, full temperature control in testing |
Pressure range | UHV range (<10-9 mbar) |
Weitere Details | meV RIXS |
Beamline data | |
Segment | H13 |
Location (Pillar) | 15.1 |
Source | UE112 (Elliptical Undulator) |
Monochromator | PGM with 3 gratings (300 l/mm, 600 l/mm and 1400 l/mm) |
Energy range | 8 - 690 eV; for extreme values (<50 eV or >400 eV) contact the beamline crew |
Energy resolution | 30,000 (20-150eV) > 20,000 (150-350eV) (standard grating) |
Flux | > 2x1012 ph/s (20-280eV) ca. 4x1013 ph/s (50-150eV) (standard grating) |
Polarisation | variable |
Divergence horizontal | mrad |
Divergence vertical | mrad |
Focus size (hor. x vert.) | optimum: ca. 0.001 x 0.02 mm (V x H, FWHM, inside sample chamber) |
User endstation | The fixed sample chamber allows the transmission of the beam. However, as there are no refocussing optics the beam is highly divergent and tilted at an 4 degree upward angle. 500 mm behind the last port, the beam dimensions are 1.7mm x 9.8 mm (V x H, FWHM). |
Distance Focus/last valve | -175 mm |
Height Focus/floor level | mm |
Beam availability | 12h/d |
Phone | +49 30 8062 14836 |
Polyimid foil (150 nm thick) | Suppression at about 10 to 80 eV (foil installed) |
Al foil (150 nm thick) | Suppression at E > 73 eV (and < 15 eV) (foil installed) |
Mg foil (240 nm thick) | Suppression at E > 50 eV (and < 11 eV) (foil installed) |
low-energy suppression | Suppression of photon energies slightly above 21 eV, requires user installation of absorption foils. Materials such as Europium (Eu) or Neodymium (Nd) are suggested for this case. |
TRIBS usage | possible, with limitations, ask the beamline scientist |
Siehe auch:
Bahrdt et al., “Compensation of Beam Line Polarizing Effects at UE112 of BESSY II,” 2010, pp. 335–338. DOI: 10.1063/1.3463205
R. Follath and F. Senf, “New plane-grating monochromators for third generation synchrotron radiation light sources,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 390, no. 3, pp. 388–394, May 1997. DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(97)00401-4
Weitere Literatur:
R. Follath, F. Senf, and W. Gudat, “Plane-grating monochromator at BESSY II using collimated light,” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 769–771, May 1998. DOI: 10.1107/S090904959800079X