Publikationen 2017
Koc, A.; Reinhardt, M.; Von Reppert, A.; Rössle, M.; Leitenberger, W.; Dumesnil, K.; Gaal, P.; Zamponi, F.; Bargheer, M.:
Ultrafast x-ray diffraction thermometry measures the influence of spin excitations on the heat transport through nanolayers. Physical Review B 96 (2017), p. 014306/1-7
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.014306
Open Access (external provider)
Koc, A.; Reinhardt, M.; Von Reppert, A.; Rössle, M.; Leitenberger, W.; Gleich, M.; Weinelt, M.; Zamponi, F.; Bargheer, M.:
Grueneisen-approach for the experimental determination of transient spin and phonon energies from ultrafast x-ray diffraction data: gadolinium. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (2017), p. 264001/1-8
doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aa7187
Open Access (external provider)
Kwamen, C.; Rössle, M.; Reinhardt, M.; Leitenberger, W.; Zamponi, F.; Alexe, M.; Bargheer, M.:
Simultaneous dynamic characterization of charge and structural motion during ferroelectric switching. Physical Review B 96 (2017), p. 134105/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.134105
Open Access (external provider)
Sander, M.; Herzog, M.; Pudell, J.; Bargheer, M.; Weinkauf, N.; Pedersen, M.; Newby, G.; Sellmann, J.; Schwarzkopf, J.; Besse, V.; Temnov, V.; Gaal, P.:
Spatiotemporal Coherent Control of Thermal Excitations in Solids. Physical Review Letters 119 (2017), p. 075901/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.075901
Open Access (external provider)
Sander, M.; Pudell, J.; Herzog, M.; Bargheer, M.; Bauer, R.; Besse, V.; Temnov, V.; Gaal, P.:
Quantitative disentanglement of coherent and incoherent laser-induced surface deformations by time-resolved x-ray reflectivity. Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017), p. 261903/1-4
doi: 10.1063/1.5004522
Open Access (external provider)
Shayduk, R.; Pennicard, D.; Krausert, K.; Gaal, P.; Volkov, S.; Vonk, V.; Hejral, U.; Jankowski, M.; Reinhardt, M.; Leitenberger, W.; Stierle, A.:
Non-uniform nanosecond gate-delay of hybrid pixel detectors. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24 (2017), p. 1082-1085
doi: 10.1107/S1600577517009158
Open Access (external provider)
Stete, F.; Koopman, W.; Bargheer, M.:
Signatures of strong coupling on nanoparticles: Revealing absorption anticrossing by tuning the dielectric environment. ACS Photonics 4 (2017), p. 1669-1676
doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00113
Open Access (external provider)