Usage: --help Prints this help The following options are commanddline and file options; -In an option file (e.g. defaults.opt) write: "option : value") -Any line starting with "#" is a commentline -Do not add comments to the end of a line with an option --nPics Set Number of output-mesh.dat-files for further examination and plotting --nsteps Set Number of steps till Source Evaluation --nruns Set total Number of Source Evaluations -l --lam lambda[m] Set wavelength in [m] -I --Intensity [Int] Set Intensity in [W/cm2] --lifetime [tau] Lifetime tau of the Laser [sec] -> E(t) ~ exp[-(t/tau)2] option fwhm overrides lifetime -d --FWHM [duration] Duration of the laser pulse as FWHM in [sec] fwhm = 2*sqrt(ln(2)) * lifetime --waist0 [W0] Waist at focus in [m] --zfocus [zf] Position of the focal spot relative to the beginning of the interaction region (e.g. capillary) in [m] --Nr [nr] Number of radial (spatial) grid points --rmax [m] Radius of the spatial grid --dz [m] Propagation stepsize ( dz = c*dt ) --ZAtom Z Set atom species via the atomic number --Ip [Ip] Set wavelength in [eV] -p --Pressure [p] Set Pressure in [mbar] -T --Temperature [T] Set Temperature in [Kelvin] --AtomDensity [n0] Set atom density in [1/m3]=1e-6[1/cm3] -Q --Qmax Max.sampled frequency in units [w0] -L --Lmin Min.size of the time window in units of the laser's lifetime [tau] -N --Ntw Number of Points in time --Noc Number of opt. cycles , over which the dipole moment is integrated (double) -t --threshold Min. peak intensity (threshold) --Intmin to start the calculation of a single atom spectrum [W/cm2] --optfile optfile Alternative option file -o --outfile outputname Mainname of output files (suffixes added automatically) --timestamp Adds a timestamp to the output Options only valid in option file: (write "option : value") title : Name Sets the title of the Simulation